Billy Graham Releases 'Heaven' Message, Encourages Christians to Make 'Every Minute Count'

Billy Graham 95th Birthday
Billy Graham 95th Birthday BGEA

World-renowned evangelist Billy Graham will release a new video to coincide with his 96th birthday titled "Heaven" which seeks to encourage viewers to seek the Lord and "make every moment count."

The commentary, which was filmed last year Graham's home in Montreat North Carolina, is being released to churches Nov. 7 as an evangelistic tool in conjunction with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association's "My Hope 2014."

The film will feature an inspiring message from Graham as well as the stories of Cheyane Caldwell, a Los Angeles firefighter, and Laurie Coombs, a speaker and writer.

"We are excited about the release of this new film called Heaven next month," said Steve Rhoads, vice president of My Hope 2014 with Billy Graham. "We are offering this as a resource for evangelism to the local church and Christians nationwide to help them simply share Jesus in their communities."

"Heaven" can be ordered free of charge for viewers, as the Billy Graham Association's intention is to help churches and Christians share their faith--not make a profit.

"We are asking God to move in the hearts of people across the country," added Rhoads. "But, it begins as Christians everywhere pray specifically for people they know who need to hear this message of hope."

Area coordinators have also been spread across the nation, encouraging local pastors in their efforts to reach people with the gospel.

"Evangelism is clearly the hardest activity of the Church, but it's also the one most closely tied to the health of the local church," said Steve Rhoads, vice president for My Hope. "We want to come alongside pastors and help them as they motivate their congregations to reach out in love. The local church holds a unique position of influence in our communities."

The organization is also asking Christians around the world to pray that My Hope will be used to spread the word of God in a tremendous way.

"No matter how an individual or church uses these My Hope resources, it begins with prayer," added Rhoads.

"It starts as individuals begin to pray specifically for people they know who need the hope found in a relationship with Jesus Christ."

To learn more about My Hope or pre-order "Heaven," click here.