A/G Sets Oct. 12 as the First Annual Pastor Appreciation Day

The General Assembly of the Assemblies of God announced Sunday, October 12 as the first Annual National Minister’s Day for the denomination. Dubbed, “Pastor Appreciation Day,” the day gives churches the opportunity to express gratitude to their local pastors.

"Pastors at every level, from children's pastors to senior pastors, need to feel the love and support of their congregations," says A/G General Superintendent Thomas E. Trask. "Knowing you're truly appreciated is a priceless gift."

According to their website, the 12,000 A/G churches nationwide are encouraged to use this day to honor the men and women who faithfully stand behind their pulpits each week, including children's pastors, youth pastors, assistant pastors and senior pastors.

Individuals were also encouraged to “take a special love offering” or “providing a special meal” to express their thankfulness.

"It takes a very special man or woman to be a pastor," Trask says. "I encourage each congregation -- each person -- to find ways to make this Sunday a memorable one for their pastors."

"I believe genuine expressions of love and appreciation, whatever they may be, is what National Minister's Day is all about."