Abortion Destroying Black Communities in Michigan

According to a new report based on data from the Michigan Department of Community Health, African-American women in the state occupy the highest percentage of Michigan women who have abortions. The data suggests that African-American women are three times as likely to have an abortion compared to other women in the state.

In 2003, there were nearly 11,000 abortions in the state of Michigan involving African American women. This number represents 38 percent of abortions in the state last year, although African American women make up only 16 percent of the state’s women.

'Right to Life' of Michigan has explained that economic pressures could be one of the reasons leading to this abortion trend phenomenon.

According to Center for Disease Control statistics, more than 500,000 African American babies are aborted each year, averaging around 1,500 aborted black babies each day in the United States. African American women make up 13.7 percent of the U.S. population of women of childbearing age, and for every five African American women that get pregnant three will have abortions.

Arguing that abortion is the number one killer of African Americans in the United States, a group of black pastors went to the White House last month attempting to tell President Bush how abortion is destroying the African American community.