ACM North America Tour Kicks-off in Boston

Association of Christian Music Ministry (ACM) 2006 North America tour has kicked-off in Boston region last weekend as the first stop.

Association of Christian Music Ministry (ACM) 2006 North America tour has kicked-off in Boston region last weekend as the first stop.

With the theme "Unimaginable- Worshipping and Fulfillment of Prophecies," ACM is going on an evangelistic music tour across the United States in the coming months. On March 17, an evangelistic gathering was held at the Episcopal Boston Chinese Ministry.

On the next day, at the Boston Chinese Evangelical Church (Newton Campus Ministries), ACM Canada ministers have shared their expertise on praise and worship in two seminars, namely "Worship and Praise at the Holy Temple" and "The Breakthrough of a Praise Team."

Under the guidance of the ACM’s consulting pastor Rev. Mak Shu Ming, the spiritual meaning of worshipping is revealed through studying the mode of worship in holy temple in Old Testament. In terms of technical skills, there were also discussions on the attitude and role of a worship leader; preparation before worship service; the flow of choir practice and its importance. These programs have helped local churches equip their congregation to serve in music ministries.

ACM evangelistic tour in Boston region was co-organized by a network of Chinese churches with ACM, including Boston Chinese Evangelical Church, Episcopal Boston Chinese Ministry, Boston Chinese Baptist Church, Chinese Christian Church of Grace in Malden, Quincy Chinese Church of the Nazarene, Wollaston Lutheran Church and Symphony of Life.

"The ACM evangelistic music tour has allowed us to learn from their precious experiences in praise and worship as well as how to apply these experiences in church worship services. But most importantly, we realize that God the master of the world is the only center of worship, no matter where the worship is taken place, how it is carried out and what is the theme," said Rev. Perry Chow, assistant pastor of the Boston Chinese Evangelical Church (Newton Campus Ministries).

In May, ACM is heading to Seattle on 19th- 21st. It will visit the Chinese Baptist Church, Evangelical Chinese Church and Christian Alliance Church in Seattle.