Ambassadors for Christ Will Hold “Love for Marriage Family Conference”

Ambassadors for Christ hold twelfth conference. Their hope is to minister to the mainland Chinese people who are living in the United States.

Ambassadors for Christ (AFC) is hosting their twelfth annual conference on July 2-4, entitled, “Love for Marriage Family Conference,” at DeSales University in Center Valley, PA. Their hope is to minister to the mainland Chinese people who are living in the United States. However, they expect many different types of people to attend this gathering.

The main speakers are Rev. Jonathon Liu, pastor of Chinese Bible Church in Maryland, who will be emphasizing on his struggles of growing up in a Christian family in an area where Christianity was not openly expressed.

The Director of Training at AFC, Dr. Yading Li.

And finally, psychiatric doctor, Yiling Wu will share her struggle of being blind, but who relied on the strength of God to guide her to receive her doctorate. Her heartwarming testimony is expected to touch the hearts of many people.

The theme at this conference is, “Walk with the Lord in Joyful and Painful Moments.”

Last year, they experienced a rapid growth of 500 attendees, a tremendous jump from the first ten years, which brought in 20-80 for the first few years, to 80-300, for the latter part of the ten years.

Family issues are very stressful in the U.S., with divorce rates rocketing sky high, and immigrants, such as the mainland Chinese, face the problems of assimilating into American culture where the value of marriage is being under attack. The problem these conferences confront will give people the solution of dealing with these issues, commented Rev. Jieming Zhang when interviewed.

“The need is so great.”

Also, Rev. Zhang states that these conferences are effective because people can actually start to feel the hope welling in their hearts. Last year, eighteen adults accepted Christ, was baptized, and are now dedicating their time by becoming more active in church.

There are 10-15 volunteers who are organizing this year’s event, and “they work really hard,” states Zhang, “they are leaders at their own churches.” Some of them have came to accept Christ through the experience.

Rev. Zhang further states that people go to these conferences by word of mouth, yet the reason for its development is only because of the hope that people feel in these crucial times that make the conferences successful and appealing.

For more information on this event, refer to