'America, Return to God' Prepares to Awaken American Churches

The long-awaited book 'America, Return to God' is to be published in early May in the United States with a great hope to awaken the nation to return to its Christian root.

The long-awaited book "America, Return to God" is to be published in early May in the United States with a great hope to awaken the nation to return to its Christian root.

Sponsored by the California-based Great Commission Center International (GCCI), "America, Return to God" Book Project is called by the GCCI chairman and the world-class Chinese evangelical Rev. Thomas Wang.

The prevailing trend of homosexuality and same-sex marriage in the U.S., particularly in San Francisco, has caused the erosion of traditional family values and social morality. Not only many American churches have not stand up to speak against the move, but some others have even allowed the fallen culture to infiltrate the life of church and congregation. Therefore, the purpose of the book is to remind America of her Christian origin and to call America to repentance.

In a pre-publication announcement mailed to all Chinese churches in the U.S., GCCI warned that "God is being driven out of her government, society, classrooms and public lives" today. Yet, it urged that "if all God’s people would stand up and speak up, by God’s grace, the tide can sill be turned! America’s national spiritual suicide can still be averted!"

The announcement has enclosed three selected excerpts from "America, Return to God." One was written by Gary Demar in an article entitled "American Christian Heritage," which gives an account of America’s national foundation that based on Christianity.

It citied some historical signs that has made U.S. Christian, such as the words "In God we trust" inscribed in the House and Senate chambers and the figure of the crucified Christ in the Rotunda of the Capitol.

Jim Nelson Black’s article "American Adrift" described the loss of faith in America. "The moral bankruptcy of America over the past thirty years has been our national sham," he wrote. "Racism, sexism, tribalism and social disintegration have been actually been encouraged in the name of diversity."

In another statement, Wang lamented, "How can God bless America if her people forsake God? American churches are sending more missionaries than any other country to the unreached peoples around the world. If the decline continues, how can American churches keep up their global missionary outreaches??"

GCCI has planned to print about 500,000 copies by the end of April. 450,000 copies will be sent as gifts to American leaders of all levels (federal, state and local) and of all professions (political, education, judicial, commercial, societal, scientific, church, media, etc.) in early May. The total estimated cost per book is $4 and the estimated total cost is therefore $2,000,000.

Though the response of American churches or leaders to the book remains uncertain, some of them have already showed their support to the project.

"Born in China and an adopted son of the U.S.A., Dr Thomas Wang is a Christian statesmen and U.S. patriot. He and all the authors contributing to this important book have observed the downward trend of morals and ethics taking in our nation and have written their concerns for our leaders and fellow citizens to consider and retify," said Dr. John Kyle, a former vice president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and executive director of Mission to the World, Presbyterian Church in America.

Dr Paul Cedar, chairman of The Mission America Coalition said, "This is a book that every American would do well to read and to seriously ponder."

A press conference on the publication of this book was held during Wang’s recent visit to Hong Kong on March 25 with an aim to fundraise the production cost. It was hosted by Rev. Sek-Wai Lo, Board Chairman of GCCI (HK).Wang gave a brief introduction on the 128-page book, which includes 25 articles by renowned evangelicals, such as James Dobson, James Kennedy, Tim LaHaye, Vernon McLellan, Gary DeMar, David Barton etc. Rev. Wang also has contributed 3 articles in the book.

Rev. Lo described the publication as one of the biggest and the most influential work in the history of Chinese Church and urged the Christians in Hong Kong to support this project.

The press conference in the U.S. for the book will be announced after all the books are sent to American churches and leaders, according to GCCI.