The American universities have lost its original commission of preparing the youth in Christian-centered education, according to a recent editorial written by Pastor Kelly Boggs’ of Valley Baptist Church in McMinnville, Oregon. In his piece entitled, “’Sex Week’ at Yale”, Boggs cites an event sponsored by Yale University to show how far the American educational institutions have strayed from its original founding purpose of teaching the Gospel.
“It seems that prestige among America’s ‘elite’ universities has little to do with academics and everything with being viewed as progressive and politically correct,” wrote Boggs. “When Yale was founded in 1701, its main purpose was training for the Christian ministry.”
In the editorial, Boggs has described how “Sex Week” was carried out at Yale. He sounded indignant as he listed the ways the campus endorsed the event dubbed, “Sex Week at Yale: A celebration and exploration of sex and sexuality at Yale University,” that took place Feb. 9-14. According the Boggs, the shame brought upon the institution from presentations on the subject was furthered by the fact that it was Yales’ very own professors who gave them alongside adult movie stars in the industry.
He also mentioned that Yale was listed as one of the most outrageous college campuses in Collegiate Network’s 7th annual Campus Outrage Awards, contrary to the image and reputation that the founders of Yale intended.
As stated in Yale’s original charter, the University was to be a place "wherein Youth may be instructed in the Arts & Sciences who through the blessing of Almighty God may be fitted for Publick employment both in Church & Civil State."
Boggs said they would be appalled if they saw the kind of material promoted at Yale today.
“The founders of Yale expected students to engage in Bible reading, worship attendance and prayer,” he said.