Amity Foundation Urges More Aid to China Earthquake Victims

A week after a devastating earthquake shook the southwest Chinese province of Yunnan, a local aid agency urged the international community to help homeless survivors.

The Amity Foundation announced on Wednesday that more than 536,000 people were affected by the 6.4 magnitude earthquake.

Working alongside the Hong Kong Christian Council (HKCC), the foundation has pledged to support 2,000 homeless families whom had not receive government aid.

The HKCC has contributed about HK$200,000 (US$25,580).

Working alongside partnering UK-based organizations including Action by Churches Together (ACT) and Church World Service (CWS), Amity is accepting contributions from abroad.

Disaster teams from the Chinese government and various aid organizations have distributed tents, clothes, plastic sheeting, quilts, water, rice and medicine to the area.

Ning’er County in Southern Yunnan was reportedly hit the hardest, having 3 people dead and hundreds injured. The quake damaged water pipes resulting in a serious lack of potable water.

"Most of its inhabitants are farmers who live in houses constructed of wood and mud, which are easily destroyed in an earthquake," according to a written Amity press release.

"Although more than 20,000 tents have been provided a large number of people remain homeless."

The Hong Kong-based agency has so far provided immediate assistance consisting of rice, quilts and plastic sheeting. It is planning to restore 100 houses, two village schools and three irrigation as part of its post-crisis phase.

The total cost for the operation is estimated to be around US$212,000.

More than 180,000 people have been evacuated from the area and continue to suffer from shortages in basic amenities including shelter, food, potable water and medicine.


Amity is currently accepting donations from the following sources:

Online Donations via Paypal:

Click Here

Check, payable to The Amity Foundation:

Add: The Amity Foundation, 71 Han Kou Road Nanjing, Jiangsu 210008, P. R. China

Check, payable to The Amity Foundation, Hong Kong Ltd:

Add: The Amity Foundation, Hong Kong Ltd., 13/F Ultragrace Commercial Building 5 Jordan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR

Contact to Nanjing office:

Email: (For bank information to send a bank transfer to Nanjing)