Motorola has been on the ball with its Android operating system updates to the latest 5.0 Lollipop with Verizon leading the pack, but will we see other U.S. carriers following that lead soon?
Motorola's Moto 360 smartwatch received the latest version of Lollipop, 5.0.1, earlier this week as an over-the-air roll-out, but as Droid Life reports, not all Moto 360 users got the update."In the image above, you will see that one of our Moto 360s received a new update today to build number LWX48T. The previous Android 5.0.1 update rolled out as build LWX48P. A jump from 'P' to 'T' isn't much, so I would imagine there are few differences between the two, which is why we will assume that a last minute bug discovery is really what's causing the slower-than-expected rollout."
In the meantime, Motorola's forums manager, Matt Greenberger, said that he expects all 360 users to get the bug-squashing update by the end of the week. Motorola's original plan was for 10-50% of the smartwatch's users to receive the update by last weekend and the rest to finish up by December 15, but there was a slight delay.
Related: Android L 5.0.1 Update Problems on Nexus and Motorola Devices
The Android Wear version of the operating system allows for a streamlined roll-out, but Motorola's other flagship devices are in the process of getting the latest update as well.
The first generation Moto G (2013) received the 5.0.1 update earlier this week as a custom ROM through the XDA Developers forum. This ROM can be manually installed by advanced users, but the remaining consumer base should see an OTA notification soon.
Android 5.0.1 has already arrived for the Google Play version of the Moto G, which is essentially Motorola's carrier-less phone, but there's no word yet on carrier specific arrivals of that incremental update to Lollipop. As of right now, only the Moto G and the HTC One M8 are available in the Google Play store as Google Play editions.
As for the high-end Moto X, word is scarce on its availability for the Android 5.0.1 upgrade outside of Verizon. The nation's leading wireless carrier is offering the latest incremental update for the Motorola flagship phone, but AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and U.S. Cellular have yet to make an announcement or release the over-the-air notification.
But to help further sweeten the deal for those looking to make the switch to the Moto X on Verizon's network, the wireless carrier is now offering the phone for only $50 with a two-year service agreement. That's down from the previous price of $100, and this sale will go on until December 31.
You can make the purchase for this deal through Verizon or straight through Motorola, and if you choose to grab it through the manufacturer, you can also customize the device's colors right down to the trim around the logo and the speaker grills.
But take note that this sale is only for the standard 16 GB model, but the 32 GB edition is only $125 with that same two-year agreement.