Android L 5.0.2 Update Release Date for Samsung Galaxy S5, Note 4, Note Edge (Sprint, Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile)

Samsung Galaxy S5
The Lollipop update is on track for January, it seems. Photo: Sprint

It seems like since Android announced the update of version 5.0 (also known as Version L or Lollipop), Android users of the latest Android devices have been wanting their Lollipop update.  Now there is Android L 5.0.2, which users of the flagship phone Samsung Galaxy S5 will most certainly desire.  The S5 received its update not too long ago, but some new Android mobile devices like the Note 4 and Note Edge still have yet to get it. 

Galaxy S5 

I mentioned a while ago that the Lollipop update had arrived for the Samsung Galaxy S5, at least for Verizon.  Since I am a Verizon subscriber, I was pleased that I was able to download Android 5.0 and have it work very well.  Sprint also has Lollipop available, but like last week, we haven't heard any update from T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular, or AT&T yet.

This raises the question of version 5.0.2.  Version 5.0.1 was meant to sort out the bugs that came with version 5.0, which usually occurs when there is a new "point zero" version of Android released.  Version 5.0.2 is meant to fix the bugs that are inherent in 5.0.1, and so on.  As far as version 5.0.2 is concerned for the Samsung Galaxy S5, I can honestly say that Verizon doesn't seem to have it.  

The only reason that I can say that is looking at the specs on my own Verizon Samsung Galaxy S5 phone reveals that I have "Version 5.0", with no second decimal place for 1 or 2.  An attempt at a system update from the Settings menu reveals that I am up to date.  If you have a Galaxy S5 phone, and you are looking to get the Lollipop update, this is how you obtain it: through "Settings" and then "System Updates". 

Galaxy Note 4 and Note Edge

As far as the release date for the Lollipop update on the Galaxy Note 4 is concerned, the latest update as reported by Tech Radar shows that Samsung is in the process of updating.  The Galaxy Note 4 Lollipop update is actually readily available for customers in South Korea as well as Poland.   As for the Galaxy Note Edge, this is the word from a tweet by Danny Dorresteijn, the co-founder of a respected fan site SamMobile, the "Note Edge to receive Android 5.0 in February". 

This brings up the subjects of older versions of Samsung flagship phones.  The S4 will invariably be getting its Lollipop update, but it is only currently appearing in Russia and India as of now, as part of its cycle before working its way to America.  Perhaps the Lollipop update will be available for the S4 at the same time as it become available for the Galaxy Note 3, which is also expecting its update soon. 

If you are hungering for an update for your Samsung Galaxy S3 or older, you are probably out of luck.  It doesn't look like that will be coming anytime soon.  Android does do a "Universal rollout" to all of its devices, which means that newer models get the newest, while older models often don't get an update.