Anglican Church Creates Commission to Tackle Issues on Homosexuality

In light of the recent threats to the unity of the Anglican Church, conservative leaders announced the creation of a commission to tackle the issues of homosexuality during their meeting at Lambeth Palace, earlier this month.

The commission, chaired by the Archbishop of Amagh and Primate of All Ireland Dr. Robin Eames, will serve as and advisor to the current situation concerning homosexuality. The body will examine the decision to authorize same sex blessings in the Diocese of New Westminster Canada, as well as the appointment of the openly gay bishop elect in the New Hampshire district of the U.S.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, announced on Wednesday the body would report back to him by next September.

According to Williams the primates believe that the Anglican Communion was reaching a "crucial and critical point in its life".

In addition, the commission was charged with helping the communion respond to recent developments in the Anglican Church in North America.

The membership includes conservative figures such as Archbishop Drexel Gomez, primate of the West Indies and the more liberal Primate of Wales, Archbishop Barry Morgan.

The commission membership also includes Professor Norman Doe, director of the centre for law and religion at Cardiff University, Wales; Anne McGavin, advocate, and former legal adviser to the College of Bishops of the Scottish Episcopal Church; and the Bishop of Durham, Dr Tom Wright.