Annual Worldwide Prayer Campaign for Muslims during Ramadan to be launched

An annual worldwide prayer campaign for Muslims to coincide with the month of Ramadan will be launched. The Chinese version of the prayer booklet will facilitate the participation of Chinese Christian

An annual worldwide prayer campaign for Muslims to coincide with the month of Ramadan will be launched. The Chinese version of the prayer booklet will facilitate the participation of Chinese Christians around the world.

"30-Days of Prayer for the Muslim" is a call to prayer and fasting for the Muslim world came about as a group of Christian leaders were praying about the Islamic world during a meeting in the Middle East in April 1992. They aim to urge as many Christians as possible to pray for the Muslim world.

The movement is a 10/40 Window project, endorsed by the Global Prayer Track formerly of the AD2000 & Beyond Movement, YWAM, OM, OD, Frontiers and most major missions organizations, the Evangelical Alliances of Europe, Transformations Africa and by major churches and ministries around the world.

The 30-Days Muslim World Prayer Guide is now produced in more than 42 languages each year and distributed from more than 32 regional offices. This prayer event is planned to coincide with the Islamic month of Ramadan, which is running from Sept. 24 thru Oct. 23 this year.

The resource is also made available online on 410 web pages and the contents include prayer guide by regions, introduction to Islam as well as testimonies from former Muslims. This is the result of an in-depth continuous research of some 100 people from every continent and language to provide information, statistics, stories and photographs. Most of those who contribute are field workers currently working in unreached regions.

Religious extremism and terrorism have increased Christians’ concern over Muslims and Islamic countries. Even among the Chinese Christians, the vision of "Back to Jerusalem" has been planted in the hearts of many. As they believe that they will be the rising force for the world missions of this era to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth, carrying the last baton of the Lord’s Great Commission, prayer would be very crucial in opening this path.

For further details about the prayer campaign, please visit the website: