'Anonymous' Allegedly Uncovered Information That ISIS Will Attack Paris, United States, Indonesia, Italy and Lebanon on Sunday

Anonymous Hackers Groups
Anonymous Hackers Group declares war against terrorists in #OpISIS Facebook/Anonymous Hackers Groups

Anonymous allegedly found that ISIS is planning a series of attacks against Paris and the world on Sunday. While the group of hackers denied making these allegations, police officers in Paris are working harder to ensure the security of the community.

According to OpParisIntel, which is a group of Anonymous, there is strong evidence that ISIS would launch an attack against Paris again. Anonymous also allegedly uncovered information that attacks would take place in the United States, Indonesia, Italy, and Lebanon on the same day. One of the attacks is said to take place in the WWE Survivor Series event. The event is scheduled to take place in the Philips Arena in Atlanta at 7:30 pm EST. 

Other areas potential for attacks are:

1.     Cigales Electroniques with Vocodecks, RE-Play & Rawtor at Le Bizen in Paris

2.     Concrete Invites Drumcode: Adam Beyer, Alan Fitzpatrick, Joel Mull at Concrete in Paris

3.     Demonstration by Collectif du Droit des Femmes in Paris

4.     Feast of Christ the King celebrations in Rome/Worldwide

5.     Al-Jihad, One Day One Juz in Indonesia

6.     Five Finger Death Punch in Milan

7.     University Pastoral Day in the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon

In their statement, the group claimed that it wants the whole world to be cautious of these possible terror attacks. At the same time,  the hackers want the terror group to feel disoriented that their plans are being unveiled.

Speaking with International Business Times, Anonymous also said provided evidence of the possible attacks to the MI5 intelligence agency in the U.K., the CIA and FBI in the U.S., and the Australian government. However, the group has no plans of releasing the proof to the general public, for fear that they would be accused of faking the accounts and links. "If we share the proof [publicly], everyone will start calling it fake because screenshots can be edited and accounts can be deleted. We have purposely not shared account links publicly because they would be shut down immediately and then no one would believe the proof," Anonymous said.

On Saturday, the FBI shared that it is aware of the possible WWE event attack, but does not have concrete and credible information of it yet. The agency is also said to be hard at work to keep the community safe. 

Anonymous, however, denied that they were the ones who put out the intel on these possible attacks. The group took to its Twitter account several times to claim that it did not know where these rumors started.