Marvel's 'Ant-Man' Release Date, Cast, Movie Plot Spoilers: Lego Toy May Hold Clues to Movie

Ant-Man Lego set
Look for Ant-Man in theaters on July 17, 2015.  Lego/CNET

Marvel has been doing an excellent job establishing its Cinematic universe, and The Ant-Man film is expected to be a breakout role for Marvel's pint-sized superhero.  Here is what we know so far about the Ant-Man movie cast, release date, and possibly some spoilers based on what we know of the Marvel comics character.  Speaking of spoilers, a recent Lego set gives some insight in a certain "Final Battle" in the film. 

According to CNET, Lego has recently unveiled a new set called "Final Battle" that contains some serious spoilers.  This wouldn't be the first time this has happened with Lego sets and Marvel movies, as Avengers: Age of Ultron contained clues that showed a lot about the movie, especially compared to the trailers.

This one though is a real spoiler because it shows Hank Pym as a minifig wearing his own Ant-Man suit.  If you have seen the trailer for Ant-Man, then you know that this isn't revealed. In fact, it is just the opposite. 

On the teaser trailer, it shows a conversation between Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) and Scott Lang (Paul Rudd), where Pym informs Lang that he must be the new Ant-Man.  It shows that Ant-Man's powers to shrink are in this special suit, and that Lang is not too wild about the name of Ant-Man.  The Lego set is revealing a major spoiler here by showing that both Lang and Pym don individual Ant-Man suits and fight the main villain, Yellowjacket (Corey Stoll), together. 

Of course, this wasn't too much of a surprise given the events shown on the extended trailer that premiered before Avengers: Age of Ultron came out.  Generally, in a film about "passing the baton", like The Mask of Zorro, both the master and apprentice eventually stop training and start fighting, often together.  It stands to reason that a scene like this would eventually take place. 

Since Ant-Man is a Marvel film, it means that it was inspired by some comic-book source material.  So how close is it?  In the comics, Hank Pym was the original Ant-Man who had the power to shrink and bore a special helmet to control ants as his private helper army.  He was often joined by Janet Van Dyne, also known as the Wasp, who had the power to shrink and fly. The two of them joined the original Avengers team, and eventually got married. 

During his time in the Avengers, Hank Pym became a lot of different costumed aliases like Giant-man, Goliath, and Yellowjacket.  Unfortunately, Pym kind of cracked up and quit the hero business for a while, even divorcing Janet.  During that time, Scott Lang did take over as the new Ant-Man. 

It looks like the Ant-Man movie is not going to go that particular direction.  In the film, it is revealed that Pym has a daughter named Hope Van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly), and this could easily be a set-up for her character to be the Wasp.   Since a romance between Pym and Van Dyne would not be right at all, it could be possible for Lang and Van Dyne to have one somewhere in this story.   

So, is there going to be any Marvel surprises, like during the credits?  According to the site, there are some recognizable Marvel characters like Hayley Atwell, who currently plays Agent Carter on her own ABC show.  Also recognizable is John Slattery, the Mad Men actor who has portrayed Tony Stark's father Howard Stark in some movies, such as Iron Man 2.  It should also be noted that Scott Lang's daughter Cassie will be in the film as well.  Cassie Lang is known in the comics as a teenage hero Stature, who has the power to grow and shrink in size. 

Look for Ant-Man in theaters on July 17, 2015.  If the film does well, then it is possible that Ant-Man and the Wasp will join up with the Avengers in the two-part movie storyline Infinity War, but that remains to be seen.