While Apple confirmed the existence of iOS 9.2, release date information remains unknown. This news follows just after the Cupertino-based tech giant unveiled its latest iOS 9.1 firmware update earlier this month. Like its predecessors, the iOS 9.2 firmware is coming to the iPad, iPhone, and iPad Touch.
Naturally, there has been a question regarding when iOS 9.2 will be out. Luckily, Apple follows an ironclad release schedule. Unless it decides to do things different this year, the company is fairly predictable.
One thing to remember is that every significant Apple firmware update goes through an intensive beta testing phase. Currently, iOS 9.2 is at the beta 3 stage. Apple has a tendency to release products no later than five beta stages.
While signing up for beta testing is possible, the majority of users should consider just waiting for testing to finish. This is because the untested beta is unstable and can bring issues to the iOS device. With that said, it is better to leave beta testing to more advanced users.
Hence, it is possible that iOS 9.2 will be out no later than early 2016. There are even popular rumors on the web that purport an earlier release date of December 2015. It is tough to say which source is correct at this moment. Apple only makes release date announcements near the day of launch. Until then, consumers will need to wait for more update from the company.
Also, Apple has a tendency to roll out firmware updates at about 10 AM Pacific Standard Time in the United States. Sometimes the release is delayed by a little, but even that is rare. Another factor to consider is that roll outs often go out in stages. That means users will need to wait for notification from Apple. It is not advisable to install the newest iOS using third-party methods.
After receiving the update notification, the user should ensure that the device is fully charged before installation of the next update. As with every iOS launch, consumers may experience hiccups such as WiFi connectivity issues and unusually fast battery drain. These are common, and will usually resolve itself once the device gets used to the new update.
At other times, it is better to delay installing the newest iOS update. A good way to decide whether to hold back on updating is to explore Apple forums that are prolific on the internet.