There is now the reality that the newest model of the iPhone will not be released this year. Instead, consumers were introduced to the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus. Is the possibility of an iPhone 7 early 2016 release be far off? While we ponder the answer to that, here are some of the latest Apple iPhone 7 Specs, speculated release date, and rumors about the iPhone 7.
Macworld believes that Apples next iPhone offering would be a complete remake of the phone, and this does make a lot of sense. The pattern is that a new rebuild of the phone comes out every two years, with an S model in between that is compatible with all the accessories of the previous year has been the Apple trend over the course of their smartphone line's run; and this formula has worked well for them.
If released in 2016, the iPhone 7 will have a 4.7-inch dimension and will also have a 5.5-inch model available which will by their tradition be called the iPhone 7 Plus. There have always been speculations that Apple will go back to making a smaller smartphone with a 4-inch screen, as some prefer users would prefer this size rather than bigger. Could this be the rumored iPhone mini?
Based on a report by N4BB, one of the rumors is that Apple might forego the Lightning port and opt for a USB-C port instead. While one would certainly not want to bet on those rumors, as the Lightning Cable is an Apple staple, and they seem to be uninterested in going with micro USB. If we considering all of the iPhone accessory companies that have made a profit making iPhone Lightning cables, the establishment of the USB-C port on the new iPhone 7 and possible future models could greatly affect their business.
Since the technology is already here, there is also a possibility that the iPhone 7 might get rid of the headphone socket. A vast majority of users have Bluetooth headphones and speakers, but the change might not affect the earbud market all that much. There is also the possibility for headphones to connect to the charging port, whatever that might end up being. While on the topic of charging ports, many surmise that the iPhone 7 would probably be getting the capacity for wireless charging. Many of the latest Android phones have this feature that is utilized with the use of a Powermat or other wireless charging devices, and the only way that users can do this now is with a special case.
Then there are the basic upgrades that all users expect by now, such as a higher battery life, as well as some better waterproofing. A report in The Inquirer also says that it will probably be thinner, and that is usually the case when it comes to smartphone upgrades. There is the possibility that the iPhone 7 will feature dual cameras and a display-integrated TouchID.
All of the improvements sound nice, but the cold truth is users will probably have to wait almost a full year to see if any of these speculations about the iPhone 7 are true, as its launch date probably will not be until late 2016, which is around September and October.