Following the Christian tradition of offering up the first to God, the Assemblies of God will hold January 4-10 as the National Week of Prayer. Congregants around the world are asked to pray for divine intervention in all of their work, especially evangelism.
"The cause that matters most to the heart of our Lord is the redemption of this world for which He sacrificed His life," says Commissioner of Evangelism Randy Hurst. "A week of prayer can be a united spiritual discipline that strengthens the spiritual lives of believers, especially as a church faces the challenge of the new year, particularly the cause of reaching the lost."
A promotional prayer guide will be available for order to assist and guide the readers throughout the week. Co-authored by A/G General Superintendent Thomas Trask and Hurst, the 90-page prayer guide, entitled, “Help From the Lord,” includes bulletin covers, prayer reminder cards, bulletin inserts a poster and a special edition of "Today's Pentecostal Evangel.” The guide is also designed to help new believers develop a personal prayer life.
"The book provides guidance on prayer in seven areas of life, but the special focus is on evangelism," Hurst explained. "Readers are encouraged to pray for spiritual enablement . . . for the Holy Spirit to open doors of opportunity for the message of Christ in the lives of nonbelievers."
In addition to the guide, a 128-page “Help From the Lord” gift book was created for the purpose of evangelizing through the week.
"A majority of Americans believe God exists and that He answers personal prayer," Hurst said. "This guide is appropriate to give to people during the Week of Prayer or anytime of the year -- especially those facing problems or crises. It includes guidance on praying for God's purposes, in faith and in Jesus' name. It also includes the complete Gospel of Mark, a plan of salvation, and direction for beginning a life of following Christ."
The prayer guide and the book will be released by December; both supplements will be available in Spanish.