On January 28, the Young Chinese Christian Association held a promulgation event for the Annual Qin Tang Christian Literary Award. Sponsored by Lutheran Theological Seminary, the award recognizes the greatest Christian literary achievers for the year 2004.
During the event, they announced 4 literary prizes. Author Xiuqi Zhang received the Award of Theology for his book, "A Travel for the Spiritual." Two books featured at the event included "Mettle the Best Brand," by Yinuo Shi, and "How Wonderful is Life," written by Daxin Yu. Both authors obtained the award of Literary Creation. Yinuo Shi is from the Chinese Christian Olive Culture Publishings. And Daxin Yu is from the Hong Kong Christian Literary Publishings. The Gospel award was given to Bingyuan Li, who wrote Soccer Life.
The awards event traces its origins to 1979 when Doctor Qing Tang and his wife Qiongyin Zhang established the Qing Tang Chinese Christian Literary Award in the interests of encouraging more and more Christians to proclaim their faith through literature.
Since then, the Christian authors continued to be awarded literary prizes through this event. In 1996 a total ot 28 Chinese Christian authors received the coveted award. After Doctor Qing Tang passed away in 1985, the literary award ceremony was managed by his wife. However, in 1997, she asked her alma mater, the Lutheran Theological Seminary, to mangage awards event. To this date, she has donated no less than $100,000 to the Qing Tang Christian Literary Foundation.
The seminary quickly established the Administration Committee of the Qing Tang Christian Literary in 2003. The committee was formed in honor of Qiongyin Zhang's wishes to continue recognizing great Christian writers.
The award organization also offers the Annual Christian Literary Award, opening classes for Christian literary, and Christian Literary Scholarships.