Australian Christians Walk to Bring Bibles to Persecuted Believers

Hundreds of Australian Christians are stretching their legs to help bring God's Word to persecuted believers around the world.

More than 700 Christians have taken part in a Walk4Bibles event this year, racking up an impressive 13,942 Bibles for their persecuted brothers and sisters.

The walks, organized each year by Bible League, invite Christians to take part in a manageable trek of 7 to 14 km.

This year, 10 cities are taking part and with two more walks still to go in Brisbane and Toowoomba before the year is out, and Australia's Christians are set to raise even more Bibles for persecuted believers.

One nine-year-old from Sydney has set the bar high for all other walkers in spite of her tender age, having participated in Walk4Bibles events for the past four years already. She says her motivation lies in knowing that God's Word is being brought to persecuted Christians.

“I counted the Bibles at home and we had 10,” said Rachael, according to Bible League. “There are families that don’t have any. It makes me feel sad. I am glad that I can do something by walking.”

Floryn, a pastor in Romania during communist rule, had a great time taking part in the Perth walk in April.

“It’s a great feeling,” he said. “It’s amazing to know that we can make a difference for people who cannot afford or cannot have a Bible.”

“Under communism in Romania we had a bit of persecution. We know a bit about persecution, what it is like to get a Bible and to be hungry for the Word of God. It was compelling for us to 'Walk4Bibles' and send Bibles to persecuted Christians.”

The National Director of Bible League Australia Grahame Smith praised walkers for their efforts.

“Thank you to everyone who took part in Walk4Bibles by walking, sponsoring a walker or volunteering on the day,” Smith said. “Through your support, you are making a tremendous difference in the lives of Christian brothers and sisters who suffer for their faith.

“These Bibles will change their lives as God’s Word strengthens their faith, encourages them to endure and share the Gospel with others.”