'Back to Jerusalem' Movement 2nd Int'l Conference Held in Hong Kong

Christian leaders from all around the world gathered in Hong Kong last month for the second international conference of the ‘Back to Jerusalem’ movement, after the last one held in San Francisco.

Christian leaders from all around the world gathered in Hong Kong last month for the second international conference of the ‘Back to Jerusalem’ movement.

On the conference, each representative from China, overseas, and other countries has played a unique role in presenting different cultures. Since the first international ‘Back to Jerusalem’ movement meeting held in July 2004 in San Francisco, they have taken the opportunity to renew their partnership and once again to recommit themselves to the Great Commission of bringing the gospel to the ends of the earth.

The aim of the conference this time is to address the challenges and opportunities of cross-cultural missions and to find out an efficient and workable plan. There are four main aspects that were emphasized: recruitment and mobilization, training, dispatching and setting up transit points.

In order for the Great Commission to be fulfilled, many people are needed to be called and be sent to the mission fields. Representatives have stressed on the importance of prayers when recruiting missionaries. Training comes as the second priority, according to the representatives.

"Many leaders from Chinese church have realized the importance of cross-cultural outreaches. And the overseas Chinese can play the role as a bridge to two different cultures as they have a bicultural background," leaders said.

Concerning dispatching missionaries, representatives agreed that even though different mission organizations have their own system, yet they must cooperate with each other. Part-time missionaries are believed to become the major workforce in the ‘Back to Jerusalem’ movement.

Transit point is the other issue raised. Representatives seek to find some bicultural coworkers to act as transit points and help missionaries settling down in a new culture.

Recalling the vision of ‘Back to Jerusalem’ movement, representatives renewed their passion as they remembered how the elders of Chinese churches have accepted God’s calling with courage and obedience. During the prayer meetings, not only the representatives have rededicated themselves, but also some 19 people are newly committed to go on a mission to bring the gospel to Jerusalem.

"When diligently working to fulfill the vision of the ‘Back to Jerusalem’ movement, we expect grater sufferings and sacrifice, and we also expect a severe spiritual battle is coming up," shared the representatives. "Even though Christ Jesus has faced unspeakable persecution, he deserves to receive the praise and love from thousands of believers from China to Jerusalem."