Back to Jerusalem movement aims to assemble 100,000 Chinese missionaries

Three Chinese house church leaders are reviving an 80-year-old vision to take the Gospel from China to the area known as the 10/40 Window, a region that encompasses 90 percent of the world’s unreached people.

The effort, known as the Back to Jerusalem movement, is currently being led Peter Xu Yongze, Enoch Wang, and “Brother Yun", three leaders who have collectively accumulated 40 years of prison time for preaching the Gospel. The campaign seeks to assemble 100,000 Chinese missionaries to send to the 10/40 Window, which extends from West Africa to East Asia, from ten degrees north to forty degrees north of the equator. The rectangular-shaped window often called "The Resistant Belt," is where the core of the unreached people of our world live. The vision to reach out to the estimated two billion people living in the area was first implemented by China's Jesus Church in 1949. By 1949, a movement to take the Gospel "Back to Jerusalem" became the passionate cry of the Chinese Church. It is recorded that as many as 5,000 of these individuals with the same call from God walked from Northeastern China all the way to the Western China border.

Dr. Peter Wagner, former professor of Fuller Theological Seminary, had commented, "By the year 2025, the Chinese Church will take the Gospel back to Jerusalem." It has been reported that the number of missionaries sent out from China has already climbed to about 1,000.

Luis Bush, international director of the AD2000 & Beyond Movement, added "The Chinese missionaries will face opposition in these regions. But they believe the persecution they have already endured was like a training ground for this difficult mission that left them equipped to take the gospel through these territories."

In "Back to Jerusalem: Called to Complete the Great Commission", written by Paul Hattaway, Yongze, Wang and Yun explain their strategy. Hattaway is the author of several books about the Church in China.