A gay student along with other supporters are taking action to fight for equal rights.
Baylor University’ s George W. Truett Theological Seminary in Waco, Texas, rejected scholarship of Matt Bass, 24. Bass claims he lost his scholarship because he was found out to be gay as he came out to his friends in May 2003.
Bass said, "One of my friends told his girlfriend who happened to tell her sorority, and it spread like wildfire and got around to a pastor of a church. He asked me if I was gay and I told him."
In December Bass received a letter saying he wouldn’t be given scholarship because he was gay, which Bass found unfair.
"The standards for a university scholarship are having a good moral Christian life and high grades. I didn't break any rules," Bass said.
Paul Powell, the seminary's dean, declined to discuss Bass' case with the Associated Press, but said he believes the Bible forbids homosexuality.
"If a person, according to Scripture, which is our standard, is not a part of the kingdom of God, how can they be in training for a minister?"
Darrin Adams, the founder of an unofficial gay student organization on the Baylor campus, said he and other supporters of Bass such as The Lesbian/Gay Rights Lobby of Texas (LGRL) and Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) are fighting to have Baylor change its policies. According to Adams, alumni have already started a letter-writing campaign on Bass' behalf. LGRL is planning on a rally in March.
Joshua Lamont, a spokesperson for GLSEN, expressed his disappointment about the incident.
"Baylor had an opportunity to demonstrate to other universities and students at all levels that all students, including GLBT students, have equal access to education."
Although he had to drop out of school because he lost his scholarship, Bass said he is not bitter against Baylor. "I'm not against Baylor; I just want them to move forward," he said.
He now plans on attending Emory University in Atlanta.