The Bible League recently appointed Reverend Rosilio Roman, a former pastor and district superintendent with the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Puerto Rico, as National Director of their USA Hispanic Ministry.
According to Operation World, Hispanics made up nearly twenty-six percent of the US evangelical population in 1998. However, the growing evangelical population among US Hispanics is often overlooked and underserved. To better meet Hispanic needs Rev. Roman was appointed. He will be establishing ministries in Miami, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, and along the Texas-Mexico border. The immediate focus is on Miami.
““I am very excited about the opportunities in Florida,” Rev. Romn said. “Our initiatives in Miami will be a model for what we hope to roll out in other cities throughout the United States.”
Those initiatives include using the Bible League’s Project Philip, a model of ministry based on the example in Acts 8, when Philip asked the traveling Ethiopian if he understood the Scripture he was reading (after which the Ethiopian admitted he could not understand unless someone explained it to him. So Philip climbed into the chariot, sat with the Ethiopian and helped him understand.).
“There is a strong interest in the U.S. Hispanic community for this,” he said. “That community has been lacking in discipleship programs. One of the reasons I came to the Bible League is because I saw the potential for church growth through Project Philip.”
Rev. Roman, who supervised more than 60 churches in Puerto Rico, said he has always felt a predisposition for planting churches. With this new position, he felt the timing and move were right. “God put everything into place for this,” he said.