Witnesses to a burning SUV accident scene off Interstate 385 in Memphis, Tenn., on Sunday quickly praised God after volunteers rushed to pull a male driver out of a crashed car that burst into flames, leaving only a Bible to be recovered by responders.
Witnesses said the car had veered off-road after being hit by another driver, reports Fox News.
"I said, 'This car is going to blow. Lord, please let me get this man out,'" one witness Elicia Bridgforth, told WMC Action News 5.
This dramatic roadside rescue was caught by Anita Irby on her cell phone camera, while she repeatedly prayed "the blood of Jesus," the entire time. "I just saw GOD on 385," she wrote on Facebook, along with sharing footage of the rescue.
Irby stated she is always in awe of God's wonders, but that the accident situation "just blew her mind."
"This car ran off the road and hit a metal post and burst into flames, not to mention the passenger was trapped inside as the car was filled with smoke the flames began to fill the inside," Irby shared. "THE ENTIRE EXPRESSWAY STOPPED and people ran from their cars trying to break the windows and open the doors of this man's car to free him. As they were, the others went up in prayer for God to deliver this man from the paws of the devil."
She said it appeared their prayers were in vain because he couldn't move and the flames had reach the inside of the truck.
"But God!!!!!! ...the flames were on the inside, but the way my God is set up, The Way It Look Like and what it is, none of the flames touched him and even after the car exploded once. All these God blessed people ran back up, and the passenger even begged them to just let him die," she explained.
"He's Alive and well. Jesus that's my Goddd."

After the driver was pulled out to safety, he was taken to hospital and listed in in non-critical condition.
The real point in the story to Mary Douglas was that "THE WORD OF GOD WILL ALWAYS STAND, NO MATTER WHAT EVEN FIRE CAN'T DESTROY IT."
"Somebody ought to see God in this," Douglas posted on Facebook. "This person had to have been a born-again strong faith in God person."

One Facebook friend to Irby, Lanika Townsend, stated she watched her video three times, "not because of the accident, but to hear the powerful way Irby was calling on our Lord and savior Jesus Christ for that man."
"As you were asking Jesus to hold that fire (praising Him), He did just that. Thank you, Lord, for allowing you to be on the highway at that time to let your light shine. God bless you," posted Townsend.