Billy Graham LA Crusade Only Weeks Away

With only weeks to go before Billy Graham’s Greater Los Angeles Crusade, organizers are enthusiastically making final preparations for the event. According to Sue Sailhamer of Christian Examiner, crusade organizers have put a great deal of effort making preparation for the event since the beginning of the year.

“A second series of Christian Life and Witness classes, mandatory training sessions for counselors, began in September," Sailhamer wrote. "Three thousand completed the classes last spring. The projected need is 6,000 counselors. On Sept. 11, about 200 churches participated in the bulk distribution of publicity materials announcing crusade events. Posters, fliers, concert and crusade invitations, and bumper stickers are still available from the Graham organization’s Green Street offices in Pasadena. Non-English materials may be obtained as well.”

Billy Graham, 84, is scheduled to speak as Cliff Barrows and Tom Bledsoe will lead the 6,000-voice crusade choir in the stadium on the opening day of the crusade. Choir volunteers are still needed. Michael W. Smith, CeCe Winans, Jars of Clay, Marcos Witt, Mercy Me and The Katinas are among a number of guest artists at the event.

“We believe that God has readied a spiritual harvest in every neighborhood and throughout every community, as we believe that He wants the message of hope and unity in Christ to reach all across Southern California,” Graham said in a printed message in the “Crusade News and Arrival Guide” as he urged Christians to pray for those who will attend.

The pre-crusade schedule of events is posted on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Web site.

For more information visit the web site or call (626) 793-8000.