Billy Graham Warns God Will Abandon United States If Country Continues To Reject His Laws

Billy Graham
Billy Graham, 97, is the founder of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Evangelist Billy Graham has warned that while God has blessed the United States in the past, His judgment will fall on the country if it continues to reject His blessings and protection.

Ahead of Independence Day, the 97-year-old evangelist shared his thoughts regarding the state of the country in a Q&A published in the Kansas City Star.

"I've come to the conclusion that our nation has become so immoral and godless that we can only expect God to judge us," wrote the reader. "It happened to nations in Old Testament times, so why not now?"

In response, the founder of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association reflected on how over the years, God has blessed the United States in a number of ways - far beyond what we deserve.

"Not only did He give us almost boundless resources and provide us with the energy and ingenuity of waves of new citizens, but He also enabled us to have a system of government that has kept tyranny at bay and given hope to nations across the globe," Graham wrote. "I'm often reminded of the Psalmist's words: 'Blessed is the people whose God is the Lord' (Psalm 144:15)."

But while the United States has been blessed in the past, Baptist minister warns it "could happen" that God abandons the country if it continues to turn its back on His laws. He shared how, the Old Testament, God inflicted terrible punishments on those who refused to refused to heed His call to repent.

"The Bible warned, 'This is what the Lord says: 'You have abandoned me; therefore, I now abandon you.' (2 Chronicles 12:5),'" Graham wrote.

However, the minister encouraged readers to remember that in spite of the evils we see all around us today, God has not yet abandoned us.

"He is still at work, and even in the midst of the confusion and conflicts of our age, countless people are seeking him and turning to him. God - not Satan - is sovereign, and Jesus' words are still true: 'My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.' (John 5:17)."

Graham urged Christians to continue to pray for the future of our country - especially as election season approaches -- and thank him for his blessings in the past.

Franklin Graham, Billy Graham's son and current head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, is touring all 50 state capitals to hold prayer rallies to encourage Christians to get involved in the political process, as an estimated 20 million evangelical Christians reportedly didn't vote in the last presidential election. Like his father, he urges Americans to pray that our country will return to Biblical principles. 

"People tell me, 'Franklin, there's no hope for our country. It's gone too far,'' Franklin Graham said during the Lincoln, Nebraska, prayer rally. "Look at Nehemiah, the walls were destroyed. The gates had been burned with fire, but God gave him favor.

"Do you think God can give the church a favor today? Do you think He can give our nation favor today? Yes!"