Billy Graham: What Should Parents Do About Shows that Mock Christianity?

A March 2014 "Cross-Platform Report" released by the Nielsen media ratings company, found that children aged 2-11 watch over 24 hours of TV per week, while adults aged 35-49 watch more than 33 hours.  Stock Photo

Instead of simply complaining about television shows they find offensive, Rev. Billy Graham has encouraged Christians to "make their voices heard" by contacting TV networks and expressing their beliefs.

In a question posed to Graham on the BGEA website a person said, "I was watching a comedy program on TV the other night, and I was shocked at how often they made fun of people who take their faith seriously (especially Christians). I think such programs should be banned, don't you?"

The 97-year-old founder of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association first pointed out that networks "have the same constitutional right to free speech that we do."

"I also know that some people today would seek to limit or even take away our freedom of speech or freedom of religion, and I believe we should do everything we can to resist these pressures."

However, that doesn't mean that Christians should simply sit back and allow the "tide of secularism and materialism that threatens to engulf us."

"God is sovereign, and He is stronger than all the forces of evil. He also has given us the privilege of prayer, and we should be praying constantly for spiritual revival."

To truly enact change, the Baptist minister encouraged concerned viewers to contact networks and voice their opposition to offensive programs.

"In addition, let your voice be heard. Write your television station if a program offends you and write also to companies that advertise on such programs. You may be surprised at their positive reaction," Graham continued.

A 2004 Gallup poll found that most Americans say they are offended by sex, violence, and profanity on television, and believe the entertainment industry should take corrective measures. However, a March 2014 "Cross-Platform Report" released by the Nielsen media ratings company, found that children aged 2-11 watch over 24 hours of TV per week, while adults aged 35-49 watch more than 33 hours. The study also suggests TV time increases the older we get: the average American watches more than five hours of live television every day.

In June, Graham warned parents to be aware of the impact TV and other forms of media may be having on their children, as what the world values and promotes often contradicts God's word.

"Raising our children is one of the most important responsibilities God gives us, and neglecting it or leaving it to others can be disastrous," he wrote, citing Proverbs 22:6, which says: "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."

What then, can Christian parents do to ensure their child isn't being exposed to inappropriate material? Graham asked.

"First, commit your lives and your family to Christ. God loves you, and He is more concerned about your children than you are. Make Christ your foundation, and begin rebuilding your family on God's will," the evangelical leader answers. "Then ask God to help you give more attention to your children. Do things together as a family [...] teach your children how they should live (both by your example and your words) [...] pray with them [...] monitor what they watch [...] and seek out a church with an active Christ-centered youth program."