In response to a recent controversy over a children’s book about two gay princes, Bob Knight with the Culture and Family Institute is delivering a wake-up call to parents nationwide to be alert for the agenda homosexual advocates may have indoctrinating schools with books like King and King (Tricycle Press, 2002) which send out pro-gay messages.
"This should be a wakeup call to parents all across America who think 'It can't happen in my school',” says the pro-family leader.
"Parents should understand that homosexual activists are very serious about taking over schools and indoctrinating children into the idea that homosexuality is normal and healthy, and that anyone who says otherwise is a narrow-minded bigot," Knight says.
He also reminds parents that the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) has conducted seminars that push for incorporating the teaching of homosexuality into children’s curriculums. No audience is too young for GLSEN who even wants homosexuality to be taught to kindergarteners.
Two parents from Wilmington, N.C., were the first to voice their disapproval of King and King after their first-grade daughter bought home the book home from the Freeman Elementary School Library. The book, which tells a story about two princes falling in love and marrying in the end, has been on the school shelf for about a year before the couple even realized.
Knight warns parents must be pro-active because the same offensive situation can happen in to any children in any school as the homosexual agenda creeps into the school’s educational system.
“Well it can -- and it can happen in very subtle ways, like books being introduced into the school library without parents or even teachers knowing they're there and kids stumbling upon them," he says.
Knight encourages parents to speak out against such people in spite of criticism that homosexual material is acceptable under the first amendment.
"I think parents need to take more interest in who's running the school, who's selecting the books," he says, "and they shouldn't be deterred by charges by the People for the American Way and the ACLU that they're somehow interfering with education and freedom of speech."
Just like the parents from North Carolina plan to file an official complaint against the school so the book can be submitted for review, Knight urges other parents to go together to the school and scrutinize the school’s book selection process.
A unsettling future for children lurks if parents don’t take pursue action against such books as King and King, which, according to Knight, is designed to confuse children and misdirect them to believe homosexuality is a good thing.