The thing about robots it they are a thing of science fiction that has become science fact, and they just keep getting better and better until we will have them in our homes, serving us. One company that is working on very advanced robots with amazing behavior and agility is Boston Dynamics. There have been recent developments known as the SpotMini, and it could be the future of robots, and this one shows that it can do household chores, including the dishes.
You can see a video of the SpotMini below, and you can see that its four-legged body looks to be modeled after a medium-sized dog. You can also see that it moves around like a dog, and almost looks like a living thing. Some might call it a mix of creepy with cute, and I'll let you form your own opinion after you watch the video.
This particular model is used by Boston Dynamics before. According to The Geek Church, the company had a crazy Christmas card last season which had a sleigh being pulled by the Wildcat robots, which looks like a human-sized version of the AT-AT from Star Wars.
The SpotMini weighs in at about 55 pounds and is about two feet tall. Unlike the other models of BigDog and AlphaDog, this is not gas-powered, but it is completely electric. The SpotMini also has a system for navigation, guidance, and perception sensors, according Engadget.
You can see in the video below there is manipulator arm which is kind of a neck and face. Think of it as an arm that works as a head, and it is pretty fascinating. You will note in the video how this manipulator arm can be used to get itself back on its feet. (I guess that Boston Dynamics hasn't figured out how to get the legs to lift its own weight, like how a dog would left itself from the ground after sleeping.)
You will also note in the video how SpotMini is able to load a dishwasher. That's right, someone has created a robot that can do the dishes. Why in the world isn't this being mass-marketed now? Well, Boston Dynamics is owned by Alphabet, Google's Parent Company, and they are apparently planning to sell these things.
Most of the times when you see footage of Boston Dynamics, such as what is on their website, they usually mention DARPA as well as the military to create some very interesting robots that looks like they would be used for combat. Like I said before, robots used to be something out of Star Wars, but could actually fight wars of today. It would be great to see these robots in the house rather than the battlefield.