Business in China as a Mission, Informing How God Works Globally

This year, the World Christians Through Business conference will focus on "Business as Mission" in China on Oct 22 in Irvine, Ca.

"Business as Mission in China," a World Christians Through Business (WCTB) conference, is designed to inform participants on how a mission movement can start in China's marketplace.

Hosted by the Mariners Church in Irvine, California, and parterning with China Source, the conference will examine models of business, commission companies, and practical applications, showing how God works through businesses across the globe.

The keynote speakers are C. Neal Johnson, who has a thirty year background as an international attorney, banker, educator, business consultant, and church planter.

Chan Kei Thong, CEO of Leadership Development International in China, who has impacted leaders in China, both socially and politically. He holds a Master’s degree in biblical studies and is currently working on a book about Chinese and Western culture, entitled "Faith of our Fathers."

And, Dr. Steve Rundle, who is an associate professor of economics at Biola University, who co-authored the book, "Great Commission Companies: The Emerging Role of Business in Missions" that describes how globalization is opening up new possibilities for ministry-minded business-people.

The speakers were chosen to present participants, of varying ages and backgrounds, with knowledge of networking and building a successful business mission in China.

Business owners, executives, church leaders, seminary students, or anyone who is serious about a business mission, are urged to attend the conference.

WCTB said that they wanted to gather "Kingdom-minded individuals" who "can come together and grow both personally and spiritually in their calling to the global marketplace."

Moreover, from "real life examples," they will hear how God uses "business professionals to reach the nations for Christ."

Meanwhile, the conference will focus on other aspects such as worshipping God, making a personal commitment, and prayer.

The key passage for the conference is Romans 10:13-15 (NLT) "For anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is what the Scriptures mean when they say 'How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!'"

They have recommended the following readings:

"Great Commission Companies: The Emerging Role of Business in Missions" by Steven L. Rundle, Tom A. Steffen

"On Kingdom Business: Transforming Missions through Entrepreneurial Strategies" by Tetsunao Yamamori & Kenneth A. Eldred

"The Other Six Days: Vocation, Work, and Ministry in Biblical Perspective" by R. Paul Stevens

"Loving Monday: Succeeding in Business Without Selling Your Soul" by John Beckett

"Going Public with Your Faith: Becoming a Spiritual Influence at Work" by William Carr Peel, Walter Larimore

"Anointed For Business" by Ed Silvoso

"The Man God Uses" by Henry Blackaby, Tom Blackaby