Calif. Schools Further Threatened by Pro-Gay Education Agenda

Schools in California are further threatened by the pro-gay education agenda as a California legislative committee has given a green light for a bill that defunds schools that do not promote transsexu

Schools in California are further threatened by the pro-gay education agenda as a California legislative committee has given a green light for a bill that defunds schools that do not promote transsexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality.

The bill AB 606, drafted by a Los Angeles-based Democrat Lloyd Levine, was approved by the California Senate Education Committee Wednesday on a 7-to-2 party-line vote, according to a leading California-based pro-family organization Campaign for Children and Families (CCF).

AB 606 authorizes the California Superintendent of Public Instruction to arbitrarily withhold state funds (around 2/3rds of a school district’s budget) from any district that does not adequately promote transsexuality, bisexuality, or homosexuality in its school policies. AB 606 will therefore push schools to implement another pro-gay education bill SB 1473.

SB 1473 prohibits instructional materials, textbooks and school-sponsored activities that reflect adversely upon persons because of their race or ethnicity, gender, disability, nationality, sexual orientation, or religion for use in public school. Under such legislation, schools are forced to keep silent on unbiblical sexual lifestyles- transsexuality, bisexuality, or homosexuality.

"This is the first time in history the Democrats have pushed a bill that threatens to arbitrarily yank school funding," said Randy Thomasson, president of CCF. "By financially punishing schools that don’t promote transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality to students, AB 606 is even worse than the other sexual indoctrination bill that the Governor said he’ll veto."

Pro-family organizations in California have celebrated the opposition of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger against SB 1437 as he announced that he would veto it on May 24. In contrast, AB 606 alters educational materials through the backdoor. Meanwhile, crisis may have raised again.

CCF urged the Governor to veto AB 606, as he has veto SB 1437. Thomasson also condemned the Governor’s support for some homosexual activities, even he has already vowed to block the pro-gay education bill.

"Conservatives are appalled that he’s raising money for homosexual activists who want to destroy marriage between a man and a woman," said Thomasson.

Schwarzenegger was accused for attending a fund-raiser event next Thursday in Los Angeles organized by a gay political group Log Cabin Republicans. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Schwarzenegger will also be this year’s recipient of the "Pink Brick" award, a raspberry handed out annually by organizers of the San Francisco gay pride parade, which will take place this Sunday.

Schwarzenegger has written a letter stating his extend warm greetings to all who have gathered for this year’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Celebrations. On the letter, he is proud of California for hosting events that celebrate diversity and support active civic participation. He also encouraged the LGBT community "to strengthen themselves and encourage cultural development and social tolerance" in California.

"Schwarzenegger needs to brandish his veto pen now if he wants to try to earn back their support. Parents don’t want, and children don’t need, AB 606," Thomasson warned.