California Senate Passes Pro-Homosexual Education Bill

SAN FRANCISCO- Despite strong opposition from the pro-family groups and conservative Christians, the California State Senate goes ahead with the bill that prohibits anti-homosexual message in school c

SAN FRANCISCO- Despite strong opposition from the pro-family groups and conservative Christians, the California State Senate goes ahead with the bill that prohibits anti-homosexual message in school curriculum.

With 21 votes needed, SB 1437 passed 22-15 today, with all Republicans opposing it and nearly all Democrats supporting it. The bill will now proceed to the state Assembly for further discussion.

SB 1437, drafted by the Los Angeles-based lesbian state Sen. Sheila Kuehl, D-Santa Monica, will ban all negative messages about transsexuality, cross-dressing, bisexuality, and homosexuality or same-sex marriage on instructional materials, textbooks and school-sponsored activities. The Christian voice against such unbiblical lifestyles may therefore have forced to keep silent.

The debate over SB 1437 is heated up since it has passed a state Senate committee on April 4 by a vote of 3-1. Leading pro-family groups in California such as the Campaign for Children and Families (CCF), California Family Council and Traditional Family Coalition (TFC) have launched campaign to urge the citizens to fight against the bill.

Dr. Bill Tam, the executive director of TFC, is concerned that next generations fall prey to homosexual movement as hinted in this controversial bill on education. Tam told the Gospel Herald that he has already expected the bill will be passed as there are not enough opposition. Tam is also not very optimistic that the state Assembly will reverse the bill for the entire state Senate is primarily Democrat-dominated.

Tam sharply pointed out how the law is being used by liberals to promote pro-homosexual agenda, "The law can be passed very easily because it is introduced as an anti-discrimination spiral. But actually, there are no textbooks or teachers that encourage students to discriminate against gay or lesbians. Therefore, such kind of law is not needed."

The consequence of the bill could be disastrous. According to Tam, the law will actually force teachers to teach only good side of certain group.

"The government is trying to force the next generation to think in certain way. It’s very very dangerous. The law will only allow positive side but not the negative side of homosexuality to be addressed. We must understand the intention well," Tam warned.

When asked how Christians should respond to the crisis, Tam suggested that education must be emphasized, "We must educate people that the bill is actually an indoctrination of the next generation. We must teach the next generation the truth about homosexuality, both positive and negative sides."

Tam said that Christians must know what the Bible says about homosexuality. He said, "Even though it becomes a law, it cannot confine how people think, because a law should only confine people’s behavior."

"The truth will not change even the government is trying to use the law to force us how to think. Christians must stand up for biblical truth, and be able to distinguish between right and wrong very well," Tam stressed.

Meanwhile, Tam urges all people, especially Christians, to participate in campaign against SB 1437. After the proceedings at the state Assembly, Governor Schwarzenegger will have a final decision whether to push forward the bill of not.

"We must all go out to fax, to call and to email the Governor to veto the bill," said Tam.