Can Christians Celebrate Halloween?

To Christian believers, however, Halloween is an evil and abominable practice that is from pagan and even witchcraft practices. Carol Kornacki, a Christian, who was also known to be converted from witchcraft, stated that Halloween started with the practice of Druids, of the Stonehenge who practiced evil sorcery. She went on to explain how the Druids practices their sacrifices and sorcery and how they dedicated Halloween to their evil gods.

"History has it that on the eve of Samhain, October 31st, would take wicker baskets and put humans in them, and start them ablaze, and burn humans, listening to them screeching and screaming as sacrifices to the God of the dead, the Grim Reaper. These evil druids celebrated Halloween with great excitement. It was said at the time, when all the evil wicked spirits lose to come out of their dark abode, and walk the earth tormenting the humans," Carol Kornacki explained in a video discussing the truth about Halloween and how it all started.

Kornacki went on to explain that the practices of wearing ghoulish disguises and putting out little fruits and vegetables in the garden are a Druid practice so that the "evil spirits" will not harm them during this period.

You can watch the full video at

Given these truths, Halloween has somehow become more repulsive to the Christian community. However, Pastor Shane Idleman of the Westside Christian Fellowship might just have a different view about celebrating Halloween and other secular holidays.

In an interview with Christian today, Pastor Idleman explained that there is a way that Christians can redeem the paganistic practices of the secular holidays, only if they keep in mind why, who and how they observe them.

"We have children, and we can't always avoid the gory and grotesque decorations, so we change the theme in order to redeem. We use the opportunity to redefine Halloween to 'good overcame evil day'," Pastor Idleman explained in the CT report.

Pastor Idleman, however, explained that he does not convince Christians to celebrate Halloween. He just wanted to impart his belief that even these secular celebrations can be used to glorify God and celebrate the redeeming victory of Jesus Christ on the cross and show how He overcame the evil of this world.

This can be said true with what Paul said in his first letter to the Corinthians saying "...whether you eat or drink, do it all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31)."