CBCSD Addresses Being Christians in Secular Reality in Coming Retreat

The Chinese Bible Church in San Diego hopes to provide a place where people can remember who they are.

At times, Christians need to escape from their busy city-lives and retreat to a place where they can devote there time to the Lord. The Chinese Bible Church in San Diego (CBCSD) hopes to provide a place where people can remember who they are and how they can be strengthened to live as "Christians in a secular world," the title of this year's theme.

San Diego congregants will attend the fifteenth annual retreat on July 29-31 at Murrieta Hot Springs, CA.

An objective to this conference, stated Pastor Sue Liu from CBCSD, is to provide a strong biblical view of how Christians should live in a secular world.

She pointed out that there are some Christians who live a holy life when they are in church, but when they are outside, they tend to conform to worldly values.

"Jesus Christ told us to be the light and salt of this world, therefore, we cannot separate ourselves from the secular world, but we have to express our Christian values so that we can influence others." she stated.

With the stress of work and family, Christians tend to lose their perspective because they don't incorporate their Christian values when they leave church. She said she has found that there are some who live separated from one another.

The main speaker for this year's conference Professor Wang Shou Ren will speak on the relationship between holiness and love, secularity to holiness, the source of being holy, and union with Christ, which will be in Mandarin with Cantonese translation.

There will be four workshops available which will cover post-modernism, the biblical take on Christian leisure, a Cantonese workshop on youth parenting, and a workshop for the elderly.

Also, eight workshops will be provided for the English youth, which will focus on the “Live in Truth.”

The conference is organized by the pastoral staff of CBCSC.