CCA General Secretary Calls for an "Ecumenical Horticulture in Our Time"

The general secretary of Christian Conference of Asia called for an "Ecumenical horticulture in our time" during the Joint Programme Area Committees meeting in Cipayung, Indonesia held in June 21-26.

Ahn suggested a "re-invention" of the ecumenical movement using the image of an ecumenical horticulture, which he meant processes of planting new seeds, watering a new spirit, fertilizing a new energy, nurturing new branches and harvesting new fruits of oikoumene.

He emphasized that ecumenical horticulture should be concerned about the good life of the whole creation. This is built upon God's golden rule of love for God and love of neighbor as oneself, he added.

The program areas of General Secretariat (GS), Faith, Mission and Unity (FMU), Justice, International Affairs, Development and Service (JID) and Ecumenical Formation, Gender Justice and Youth Empowerment (EGY) evaluated the past programs of CCA under their respective clusters.

The Program Area Committee(PAC) members said there has been increased ownership of CCA programs by member churches and councils, there's more gender and youth representation. Also there has been clear indication of trying to balance quality and quantity of programs.

Moreover One concern raised at the plenary session for all PACs is the need to be more intentional in the use of methodology that would also model the themes of the program -- this is to affirm that methodology is just as important as the contents of the programs.