CCCOWE Expands English Ministry to Meet the Emerging Needs

Since the first-ever English parallel track on 7th Chinese Congress on World Evangelization (CCOWE) in Macau last year, English Ministry at CCCOWE (Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism) has been set on fire.

According to the latest issue of Chinese Around the World- the official English publication of CCCOWE, the organization has newly established an English Ministry Department in January with the mission "to foster communication with the English-speaking new generation, help raise the next generation of leaders, and nurture ministry partnership with them for the sake of world mission".

Moreover, Entrust a new quarterly English newsletter was introduced, which specially aims to keep the participants of the 7th CCOWE English track connected and informed. Through the newsletter, English-speaking church leaders around the world can be updated on the regional activities or networks, as well as exchanging tools and resources that will help them to share the vision of CCOWE with others. Currently, Entrust Oct-Dec 2006 Edition and Jan-Mar 2007 Edition are available online on CCCOWE website.

While the CCCOWE website had been renovated to a fresh and modern outlook, the English version of the website was also newly developed. On May 16, CCCOWE English website is formally launched with basic contents introducing the organization’s vision, leadership, and activities. The online edition of its two key English publications Chinese Around the World and Entrust are also available. Currently, the English Ministry is looking to enrich the content of the website so as to provide more resources for the English-speaking Chinese church leaders around the globe.

"Globally speaking, while most of the emerging Chinese church leaders are English-speaking, CCCOWE deems it a vital and urgent task to launch English Ministry….There are myriads of Chinese Christians scattering across the globe who speak different languages as mother tongues, and we do prayerfully hope this huge group could be mobilized for world mission for the years to come," quoted from the latest issue of Chinese Around the World.

CCCOWE requests prayer from Chinese Christian worldwide for the strategic planning of the English Ministry.