CCCOWE Taiwan North District Committee Members Hold Conference

On Nov 16, Taiwan North District Committee members gathered to discuss and strategize marketing, management, transportation for next year's conference.

The 7th Chinese Congress on World Evangelization will be held next year from July 17th to 21st in Macau, and next year will be the 200th Anniversary since Robert Morrison the first missionary to China set foot in Macau. The conference will have both a historical and evangelistic meaning. Over 50 districts committees around the world are diligently preparing, hoping that the pastors and leaders in each region will attend this special gather held once every five years.

On Nov 16, Taiwan North District Committee members gathered to discuss and strategize marketing, management, transportation for next year's conference. The conference was led by Simon Hung, chairman of 7th Chinese Congress on World Evangelization Taiwan North District Committee. Other participants include Taiwan North district director Chan Ding Chuan, CCCOWE vice-chairmen Dr. Zi-Ping Lin, and various local pastors. They first discussed the preparation on management, such as airplane tickets, registration and support for the conference keynote speakers.

The district members all encouraged each church to bring three co-workers. The suggested combinations are pastor, elder, deacon or pastor¦s wife. In order to strengthen the ties between North and South District, Elder Chan Ding Chuan expressed the need for the both districts to have a conference together.

Next year, CCCOWE estimated that the total number of participants will be 3000 people, Taiwan district will have around 250-500 attendance. The Taiwan North committee said that they wish Taiwan can show more support because the next general secretary of CCCOWE will be Morley Lee, who is a pastor from Taiwan.

Chairman Simon Hung said, CCCOWE hopes to create a platform that will promote fellowship among Chinese churches, cooperation among ministries, especially those of evangelistic purposes, so there can be better unity in the work of spreading the gospel.

One of the pastor said that they will sent 10 to 15 pastors, pastor's wives, deacons to participate because he believes that there is a lot that he can't learn in Taiwan, but can in CCCOWE. In addition, they are attracted by the evangelistic nature of this gathering because its historic significance, commemorating the 200th Anniversary since Robert Morrison first came to China.

Shia Chung-Chien (James), general secretary of Chinese Christian Evangelistic Association, suggested the possibility for only having one place for registration but two departure places with one at C.K.S. International airport and the other at Kaohsiung airport. He also suggested for them to propose to Hong Kong CCCOWE contact center to extend the registration discount to February, which would give much more time to advertise.

CCCOWE Vice-chairmen Zi-Ping Lin brought up the point that he encourages younger generations to participate in CCCOWE, so there is a need to think about how to allow the younger generations, especially those between the age of 30-45 to participate. He strongly emphasized the importance of university president participating in the future CCCOWE conferences. Besides inviting church members, North District committee will also invite people from seminaries, FaithHopeLove Ministry, CBMC and FGBMC Christian businessmen to participate.

Lastly, Professor Zi-Ping Ling also announced that by June of next year "Robert Morrision Entering China 200 Years Journal" and children story books of missionary will be published. Around 1000 sets will be donated to China's literature department. They are also preparing 200 wall-picture displays to be used for tour displays and used for at seminar and workshops. The confirmed cities for tour include San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Toronto, Hong Kong, and Macau. The tour will end in 2007. The total cost needed is $480,000. Now, they still have half that amount for fund-raise. He stated that hopefully through display tours and workshops, the spirit of CCCOWE can be proclaimed.