Kelly Minter, Cross Driven Records singer and songwriter, will be in S. Africa this month.
Why? Well, joined by Out of Eden, Third Day and NewSong, she’ll be taking part in the “African Heart” adventure.
They will be helping World Vision increase public awareness regarding the HIV & AIDS pandemic, political unrest, and food shortage that has gripped the region over the past few years.
“World Vision has been working in the heart of this crisis for the past ten years. They have been the hands and feet of many of these efforts, successfully making a difference by building clinics and community centers, helping villages and parentless children, and, most importantly, spreading the love of Jesus,” Minter notes.
As a spokesperson for World Vision, Minter will serve as news correspondent as they travel through southern Africa, including villages in Lesotho and Swaziland. They will visit HIV & AIDS treatment sites and community centers, encouraging and giving hope to orphans who have AIDS.
Minter will be sharing her experiences while in Africa through an Internet journal and streaming video featured on a section of World Vision's website:
“Though I could selfishly enjoy a few more days of luxurious play, I am here to engage in something far more important. I am here to visit the people of Lesotho and Swaziland. Here to grasp a firsthand knowledge of how World Vision is assisting these countries. Honestly, I can't wait to get there, as I take great confidence in knowing that World Vision has gone before me and God has gone before them.” -From Minter’s first journal entry
Let us pray for this journey, asking God to guide each and every step, so that the message of His love can truly be spread among the hungry souls of Africa.