Celebrating 150 Years of America's Asian Church

An exhibit entitled, From 1853 to 2003: One Hundred Fifty Years of Witness and Community was held by the PANA Institute, an Institute for Leadership Development and Study of Pacific and Asian North American Religion) at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, California.

The project served to uncover and illuminate the intellectual tradition and the cultural growth in Asian American and Pacific Islander faith communities over the last one and half centuries.

The Presbyterian Church in Chinatown, the oldest Asian-American church in North America was extensively covered during the exhibit. The depiction of church community's effort to expand the scope of involvement of women ministries in the 21st century has received praises from the liberal communities and Chinese-American church leaders at the event.

The PANA Institute has contributed significantly on the November 9th, 2003 celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Presbyterian Church in Chinatown, the landmark Asian-American sanctuary in San Francisco, CA.

The Asian Pacific American and Religions Research Initiative (APARRI) will hold its 2004 annual conference on the campus of Northwestern University in Evanston, IL on August 5 through 7.

The conference has become an important avenue for those who are engaged in the study of Pacific and Asian North American religion. The APARRI conference is an annual gathering of scholars and practitioners who engage relevant topics in the study of Asian and Pacific American religions.

The institute invites potential participants to submit paper proposals (brief 1-2 paragraph abstracts of the papers to be presented) on the above topics or other topics relevant to the study of Asian Pacific Americans and religion.

The submission deadline is Monday May 31, 2004.

For further information and to submit abstracts, contact Frank Yamada at (847) 328-9300, x49 or fyamada@seabury.edu.

The mission of the PANA Institute is to foster an intellectual community among scholars, graduate theological students, and faith communities linked by various Pacific and Asian North American religious and cultural traditions and to offer leadership development programs for these constituencies. The Institute will also develop and provide a structured setting for sustained conversation and research on both ongoing and emerging issues of a religious and theological nature.

The communities and individuals the Institute hopes to benefit with its work include scholars teaching in graduate schools of theological education and religion, students enrolled in Ph.D., M.A., M.T.S, and M.Div. programs, pastors serving faith communities with ties to the Pacific basin, and the next generation of leaders still to be recruited and integrated into this expanding intellectual and religious community.