CGST Three Day Seminar Begins Tomorrow

Tomorrow, the China Graduate School of Theology will hold a three day seminar at churches in California focusing on informing the Chinese intellectuals and foreign exchange students on the Chinese Chr

Tomorrow, the China Graduate School of Theology (CGST) will begin its three day seminar in three churches in California, The Golden Gate Christian Reformed Church, the fifth Home of Christ Church in Cupertino, and the Lord's Grace Church respectively.

The seminar, led by Dr. Kevin Xi Yi Yao from Beijing, will focus on giving Chinese intellectuals and foreign exchange students the perspective of the Chinese Christians, and how this viewpoint can be used in understanding the developments in China. For example, the dilemma of the churches facing the change in religious tolerance and the shifting of social issues. The seminars will be conducted in Mandarin.

Tony Yip, the CGST coordinator for the seminar, said that CGST wants Dr. Yao to be a model for the intellectuals, who are often non-believers, and for these attendants to understand how the gospel can change a person's life.

"[CGST] will only hope for the best and pray that the spirit moves them," said Mr. Yip.

The schedule for the seminars are as followed:

Date: August 5, 2005 (Friday)

Topic: 改革開放大潮下的中國基督徒

Time: 7:30pm

Location: Golden Gate Christian Reformed Church

378, 18th Ave., San Francisco


Date: August 6, 2005 (Saturday)

Topic: 一個中國學人的信仰經歷

Time: 7:30pm

Location: The Home Of Christ Church In Cupertino

10340 Bubb Road, Cupertino


Date: August 7, 2005 (Sunday)

Topic: 中國教會的歷史經驗與當代發展

Time: 7:30pm

Location: Lord's Grace Christian Church

1101 San Antonio Road, #409, Mountain View


For more details, please refer to