Charlie Peacock's View of The Passion

Full Circle: A Celebration of Songs and Friends!

Yep, it's Charlie Peacock!

Equally known and respected as a producer, author, and songwriter, Peacock is now a regular columnist for CCM magazine. His recent thoughts related with The Passion Of The Christ from that publication is now available online.

Peacock was asked to screen a preview of the historic movie at his home by Icon Films (Gibson's production company), for a group that would include Gibson, leaders in the Christian music industry, and even recently departed music legend Johnny Cash.

"As I watched the film, I thought of my very comfortable life and realized I was experiencing the suffering of Christ in a way I've never known before. This was good for me. The film reminded me to follow Jesus wherever He leads, to be interested in the same things He is interested in all of His creativity and the work of restoring it to righteousness."

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