Hurricane Katrina has devastated the entire United States in both human loss and economic losses, and it stirred up the compassion in every citizen despite their color, ethnic background. On Tuesday, September 06, 2005, Bay Area Chinese Minister's Prayer Fellowship (BACMPF) held a seminar at Mountain View Chinese Church in Christ discussing ways to gather and distribute the disaster relief funds, which pastors and Christian leaders will encourage their churches to donate.
The topics discussed included finding ministries or organizations, which would be responsible for collecting relief funds and for distribution.
BACMPF Chairman Wai-wing Chan, Rev. of Chinese Church in Christ, said, "Bay Area churches will help victims in New Orleans. We wish to gather funds through different organizations and sent it to them. The motive for the meeting today is to be the testimony in allowing more Chinese Christians to participate, and to allow the society to see that Chinese are not just here to occupy their land. This reflects the Chinese Christians' attitude towards the society."
1. How to encourage all churches to care and to participate to bring about group testimony effect?
2. How to effectively and practically provide assistance to victims, especially the Chinese groups?
3. How to respond to the national rescue movement?
Final decisions and details will be announced on Friday.