Chinese Christians Outreach to Chinatown for the Lunar New Year

Chinese Christian ministries spread the message of the gospel to San Francisco Chinatown.

Sunday,the Cumberland Presbyterian Chinese Church and the Chinese Christian Heralds Crusade (CCHC) operated joint-outreach booths at the annual Chinatown Community Street Fair.

The event each year attracts hundreds of local Chinese as well as visiting-tourists. During this time, the streets of the San Francisco Chinatown would be alit with vibrant music and colorful booths in celebration for the Lunar New Year.

As with previous years, the Cumberland Chinese Presbyterian Church has operated an outreach booth at each annual event.

This year's joint Cumberland – CCHC booth featured a street raffle, a skit delivered by the Cumberland youth ministries, and performances from the CCHC praise team. In the midst of these activities, volunteers wearing red t-shirts could be seen passing out balloons as well as words of encouragement to passing children and families.

A staff member, identifying herself as Su Wong, said that the booths would allow the church to spread the message of the gospel to new immigrant Chinese. She explained that it is often difficult to bring non-believing new immigrants to Christ partially because many work long hours, and often do not have time to go to church, even on Sundays. Nonetheless, she added, the Cumberland church has always openly offered new immigrants much needed emotional and spiritual counseling and support.

At the event, youths from the Cumberland church could be seen operating the booths, answering questions about Christ, and inviting people to attend church. Su Wong later commented that she was deeply encouraged to see such passion in the youth.

“Actually, I represent the older generation,” she said. “So, it is good that the young generation now have the opportunity to gain experience in outreach.” She explained that as an elder, she wanted to lead the youth into going out and evangelizing. That way, she says, the youth can grow in faith so that they too can lead ministry in the future.

Su Wong also shared that the booth staff had been working from 9am to 5 pm. When asked if she was tired, she smiled brightly and said that the work made her happy, that was all that mattered.

Several rows down, members of the Chinese Christian Mission USA (CCM USA) could be seen passing out flyers and distributing Christian publications at a separate booth. The volunteers working there explained that they were interested in witnessing to unreached new immigrant Chinese.