Chinese Experts on ''Who is Qualified to be Peace-maker?''

Three high-profile Chinese Christian experts explain their views on “Who is qualified to be a peace-maker?” at the 4th Chung Chi Christian Festival: Blessed are the Peace-makers.

Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kun, former Bishop of Hong Kong Dioesce, Dr. He Guan-hu, professor of Remin University of China, and Kuan Hsin-chi, emeritus professor of Department of Government and Public Administration at Chinese University of Hong Kong, each expressed their standpoints.

Kuan Hsin-chi: greater the authority greater the moral responsibilities

According to principles of realism, Kuan said that anyone is qualified to be a “peace-maker”, and from a moral perspective if a person is acting as a by-stander and not making peace within his area of capability, then he is said to be an “immoral person.” Thus, anyone can be a peace-maker. However, he said that most people are by-standers, so he believes that those with greater authorities have greater responsibilities to make peace.

Joseph Zen: prophets must endure more responsibilities

Zen believes that everyone is qualified to be a peace-maker, but the opportunity differs from people to people, and those with more opportunities have more responsibility to do more. Some people are prophets that speak out against injustice in special cases; a prophet should forsake oneself to make peace, but may be misunderstood by the people and even get scorned in the process.

Referring to Moses who received complaints and obstacles in the process of fighting for justice for his people, he said that standing up for justice is a long-term goal, so not only should you have a pure motive but also courage.

He Guan-hu: everyone should do

Professor He said that everyone should and is qualified to be a peace-maker. Everyone should reach the relationship of reconciliation with God, oneself, spouse and family, others, and country, etc.

When speaking about the qualifications, he believes that everyone has the ability, but the ability differs in size. Regardless, everyone should do.

The three-week long Christian cultural festival began on March 3, which featured movie workshops, arts exhibitions, special topic lectures, spiritual experience workshops, and at the same time the dormitory small groups and campus fellowships will engage in evangelistic activities, preaching the gospel of peace-maker to the faculty and students.

[Editor's note: reporter Luke Leung translated the article.]