The UK-based Chinese Overseas Christian Mission (COCM) will hold their Bi-annual International Consultation in Hong Kong that will gather Council members from various Boards to discuss the needs of Europe, Mary Wang said according to a letter posted on the COCM website.
On Oct. 21-25, the Hong Kong headquarters will host the Consultation, bringing together UK Council members, the Hong Kong Board, and participants from other overseas Boards to discuss the changes as well as the "great influx" of mainland Chinese into Europe.
"The demography is changing and we must be prepared to meet this challenge," Wang said in the letter.
There are many Chinese Christian churches in Europe, Wang said, but "about two-thirds of the churches do not have full-time pastors or Christian workers," which means that "the need for workers is…urgent."
Within the Consultation meeting, on Oct. 21-23, they will hold an "Encounter" weekend in the Mission Center that will train young English-speaking individuals and professionals.
Wang said that the English-speaking second generation and the students' ministry is important in many of the Chinese Churches throughout the UK. She continued by asking for prayers for the team of leaders who will encourage the young people to be "bold" and to share the Gospel with others.
"May God challenge the members from these Churches to come forth to be trained for His service," she said.
After returning recently from an All Europe Pastors and Church Leaders Consultation in Bucharest, Romania, Wang realized how many Chinese have immigrated to Europe.
When in Romania, she was led by the Bucharest Chinese Church in teams into an open market place, where she was able to see thousands of Chinese working in small stalls.
"The place alone presents a big mission field," she commented.
When COCM first started in 1950, their ministries were geared towards pioneering, church planting, and evangelism, especially with overseas students. But today they have expanded their work to include various types of ministries such as intercessory prayer, mandarin, youth, training, bookroom, publication, and audio visual ministries.
"COCM is an inter-denominational mission with the objectives of bringing the gospel to the Chinese scattered over Europe through pioneering evangelism, church planting, training and literature work," who is affiliated with Chinese Christian Churches and Fellowships throughout Europe.
The mission's vision is "where there are Chinese, may Christ be there also."