Christian author N.D. Wilson (Nathan David Wilson) was recently diagnosed with brain tumor and said his family is going through a difficult phase in their lives.
"This is obviously a fairly momentous trial for our family, but by the grace of God, Heather and the kids and I will be hitting it head on," he wrote in a letter.
Wilson, known for his books on young adult fiction, said he first noticed "strange" changes in his health. One day, while in a meeting, his left ear "turned off" and he began to hear a constant ringing which he likened to a fire alarm. Upon consultation with doctors, he discovered he had a tumor in his brain the size and shape of a "farm egg."
"The tumor originated in my auditory canal and is now compressing my brain stem and unpleasantly butting into my cerebellum," Wilson explained.
While experts agreed the tumor wasn't cancer, it is still causing symptoms that are "multiplying rapidly over the last couple weeks," he said.
The author was set to promote a new book this month and another book in June, but his condition would not allow him to do so in the same manner as he supported previous releases. He is scheduled for invasive brain surgery on May 2, and he is aware of the possible long-term risks that the procedure could result in, such as facial paralysis, permanent deafness in his left ear and vertigo.
He asked for prayers for healing and fast recovery.
"I'd love to get back in the saddle and keep providing for my family as quickly as possible," he said.
Although he and his family are going through rough seas, Wilson said he is thankful for the opportunity to live out his faith.
"God is good. God is faithful," the author wrote. "This is the storm we were meant to weather. This is the bull I was meant to ride."
"I can't hit my characters with pain and hardship to spice up their stories and not be willing to face anything life threatening myself!" he added.
Wilson is the author of the fantasy trilogy "100 Cupboards," which is also the title of the first book. The second and third books were titled "Dandelion Fire" and "The Chestnut King," respectively. He also wrote the "Outlaws of Time" series: "The Legend of Sam Miracle" and "The Song of Glory and Ghost."
Wilson closed his letter with a simple request.
"Please keep our whole family in your prayers," he said.