Christian Leaders Dedicate New Complete English Translation Bible

Blessings for the Holman Christian Standard Bible: a 20-year project of 20 denominations and non-denomination churches, and the first of its kind in 30 years

NASHVILLE, Tenn.—After two decades of prayer and dedication, the Broadman and Holman bible translators released the complete Holman Christian Standard Bible, during an April 2nd dedication service in Nashville Tennessee. The project, jointly ventured by B&H and the Southern Baptist Convention’s LifeWay Christian Resources, is the first of its kind in 30 years.

“This is a historic event for us, and we pray future generations will see this as a profoundly historical day as well,” James T. Draper Jr., president of LifeWay Christian Resources, said as he opened dedication service. “This just doesn’t happen that often

The 20-year project involved an international team of 100 translators, editors and biblical scholars representing 20 denominations and non-denominational churches.

According to LifeWay, the new translation marks the first major English-language translations of the Bible in more than three decades. There have been many revisions of existing translations, but the Holman CSB is an all-new translation directly from the original biblical languages.

“Our culture needs a healthy infusion of biblical precepts,” Draper said. “The goal for the Holman Christian Standard Bible is to be the most accurate and readable translation possible.”

“We saw a need to develop a translation that encourages people not only to read the Bible, but also to study it,” Stephens said. “This translation combines a precise rendering of the biblical text with a reader-friendly style geared to contemporary English usage.”

There were four primary reasons the Holman team worked for the new translation. The first was to provide a “highly readable text that precisely retains the original and full meaning of Scripture in order to encourage and enhance Bible study.” The second reason was to provide a fresh translation that would keep up to date with the “rapidly changing English language.” The third reason for the translation was to use the latest technological advances that the previous translators were unable to use. Finally, the goal of the new translation was to “safeguard the Scriptures from trends toward cultural pluralism, political correctness and drifting ideology.”

The Holman CSB, which is endorsed by a prestigious list of Christian leaders, including Henry Blackaby, Gary D. Chapman, Charles Colson, Steve Green, Beth Moore, Paige Patterson, Pat Robertson, Adrian Rogers and Charles Stanley, will be available in stores beginning April 15.

For more information about the Holman CSB, please visit: