MIAMI — Dozens of Christian leaders attended the Free Trade Area of Americas Summit, Nov. 20-21, speaking on behalf of the voiceless with the voice of the gospel.
"We want to listen, to give voice to the voiceless and to ask the questions about what will happen to the poor in Latin America and in our country as business moves south,” said the Rev. Clarke Campbell-Evans, a Miami United Methodist Church official.
"I think this is a critical place for the church to be,” he continued.
The Rev. Marta Burke, pastor of Fulford Church in North Miami Beach, said the church must be involved with the issues affecting the world.
“We know that we’re not isolated; we don’t live within the walls of the church," Burke said. "We are a connectional church and a global church in a connectional world."
"We want to spotlight affordable housing, create jobs with fair working conditions, initiate child work laws and proper health care,” she continued. “As people of faith, we are not choosing sides but attempting to find solutions."
The summit was preceded by weeklong activities including candlelight vigils and roundtable discussions.