Among Christian communities, the worsening relationship between Christians and Muslims is in growing concern. The Archbishop of Canterbury in London will lead a meeting of Christian and Muslim leaders later this month to develop bonds between the two faiths.
“It’s an exciting prospect for Christian and Muslim scholars to spend three days together studying the different ways in which our scriptures understand prophecy,?Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, who is to convene the seminar said.
This year speakers will focus on the understanding of prophecy in the two faith communities; through intensive study of Biblical and Qur’anic texts the participants will also address topics such as ‘Prophecy and Conflict? ‘Prophecy and Society?and find out why religion leads to war.
It will be a golden opportunity for representatives of two faiths to deepen their understanding and friendship. Dr Rowan Williams believed that improved relations between Christians and Muslims could help a "deeply troubled world".
The conference will run from March 30th - 1st April and is being hosted by Dr John J DeGioia, the President of Georgetown University. The spiritual leaders from around the world will meet in Washington, DC. It follows similar gatherings in London in 2002 and in Qatar in 2003.
The last “Building Bridges?conference hosted more than 30 Christian and Islamic leaders and scholars. It concluded that the war in Iraq highlighted the "urgent need" for different nations and faiths to listen to each other.
The debates between Muslims and Christians are likely to be published as a book at the end of the convention just like the previous years. “The Road Ahead?and “Scriptures in Dialogue?are the two books published in the “Building Bridges?seminar in 2002 and 2003.