Christian Radio Plans Broadcasts to More than Half the World

Heralding Christ Jesus’ Blessings (HCJB) World radio, an international Christian radio station part of the world's first missionary broadcast organization, has plans to spread the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea, to more than half the people in the world. The evangelical faith mission based in Western Australia's Kimberley region has applied approval to build 31 radio towers on land outside Kununurra, and says the expansion will enable them to reach up to 60% of the world’s population.

The organization, which started in 1931, applied for the tower expansion two years ago but could not receive a license due to Government policies and local opposition, according to a report by HCJB Australia Limited.

Manager Mike Moore is optimistic that previous barriers won’t prevent the building of the towers.

"The facility we've done I believe we've done well," he said. "The few stirrers that were around the last time... they were actually saying that [what] we were doing wasn't really quite right. It's certainly not obtrusive and certainly hasn't caused an environmental problems.”

The transmission facilities set up in Kununurra, Australia, will mainly transmit programs more effectively than programs broadcasted from HCJB’s federal organization in Ecuador

The new stations would cover similar technical and geographical basis to the former Radio Australia facilities in Darwin, said the report.

HCJB is an evangelical, interdenominational faith mission involved primarily in radio broadcasting. Together with worldwide partners, they have ministries in more than 90 countries and broadcast the gospel in over 100 languages and dialects from various broadcasting sites. Their staff includes more than 1,000 missionaries, national employees and volunteers.